In 2010, Scott and Luke approached me about looking at the Fuzz Face circuit with a view to manufacturing it under Scott’s name. With great embarrassment Scott showed me his original unit, assuming I’d flinch at his ‘primitive’ efforts at putting together an electronic device.
Electronics Engineer And Circuit Designer Neil Garner
It wasn’t until July 2010 when fellow guitarist and friend Luke Higgins asked Scott to build him a fuzz pedal, they put their heads together and came up with the idea to make a limited number of copied to sell. Scott and Luke teamed up with electronics engineer Neil Garner to help recreate Scott’s original fuzz pedal. The first task was to measure all the components of Scott’s original fuzz pedal, in particular they took readings of the output of the AC128 Germanium transistors. After many months of sound tests and circuit board changes, to make the new circuit more reliable yet faithful to the original, the SM Fuzz is born.
Scott Teams up with fellow guitarist & friend Luke
It really was a stroke of luck that the pedal actually worked. I’d never been able to find a fuzz pedal that was readily available and sounded authentic, so I though I\’d have a go at making one myself. My soldering skills weren’t great, and after a few burns and frustrating hours I plugged it in. To my surprise it worked and sounded great. Warm, Fuzzy, Saturated and yet when the guitar volume is turned down a little. It ended up being a main stay on my pedal board ever since. I got a fair amount of interest from different players who wanted to get a similar sound, and asked me if I could make them one.
Scott decides to build a simple Germanium Fuzz pedal